thus begins the search for something greater, a real love for herself as she was created.

May you find and take everything from the writings of a girl who is still searching.

Monday, December 21, 2009

breathing in bowness.

I am breathing in Bowness. Seeking simplicity, following, leading, and becoming. I refuse to give up, no matter the challenge, even though somedays its all I can do to open the blinds and let the light in.
I am rejoicing in a hope that comes from moving into the neighbourhood. I am stretching my limits, I am giving even when I feel like I have only enough for myself.
Mount Royal's crazy semesters make it hard to live out community, but I am learning to savour the moments I have, and to create time to live intentionally, simply, and faithfully.
I am learning everyday, failing sometimes, but always finding enough strength to get back up.
I need to risk if im going to do this right.
I am still moving into the neighbourhood.

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